Imprint: Michael Stenov (composer), P.O. Box 9, A-4623 Gunskirchen, Austria, email
What an incredible performance! Dear Michael, finally we have finished the wonderful DVD with your Christmas board. It is a huge work. I am deeply impressed and touched. What an incredible performance. Everything related to it. It is not just the composition, which is already the hammer! Also all the great musicians that motivated you, the rehearsals, the whole drumherum, recording organized up to the cut, booklet ... And everything in a legendary quality, what a choir, so many young musicians! At the Women's Choir, where the mothers complain, I almost had to cry. The idea of ​​the different pairs of persons is as harmonious and beautiful, the first time with the angel. The male choir of the scribes is delicious, even humorous. The outcomposed lie of Herod. I could always go on ... Hans-Christoph also likes it very well. We are both looking forward to hearing it again in the Christmas season, so that we can really enjoy the great drama again. Sabine T., Hamburg, Germany I am completely thrilled Dear Michael, first things first: The mail carrier brought me your parcel and of course I immediately fed the rec with the content and listened to a part. I'm thrilled and would I not know from what time this music came; I would never have thought that it is a work of the 21st century. What particularly struck me here is that you have assigned each soloist a specific group of instruments, similar to what Richard Wagner has made with its musical themes. When I have time and leisure, I am looking forward to being able to enjoy the whole work. Anyway, I submit you a big thank you, you have done me great pleasure. And if there is a separate WP article on the Christmas Oratorio by Bach, why not on yours? Manfred K., Sitzendorf A Balm for the soul Dear Stenov, I got the DVD with your oratory. There is a lot of beautiful music, and the connection to Bach and his oratorical work is a balm for the soul. I could well imagine that Cantor Christoph H. of the Twelve Apostles Church in Berlin, or Cantor Michael T. Hvas of the church in Horsens in my home country Denmark could be interested in your oratorio. With my best wishes, see you soon, Mads E.-J. (Tenor), Berlin A storybook moderately orchestrated sound event with grace Dear Michael, after a long time I finally had to rest, to listen to the CD recording of your oratory and wanted classify necessarily confirming what went through my mind: anticipation BRAVO!!! I was very impressed with form and content, the number of rhetorical figures, historical context, images and the amount of knowledge that you have packed in your work to an insanely impressive whole! A storybook moderately orchestrated sound event with grace. Toll enlargement of texts, but in all honesty, we must also admit that the demands of the parties involved are very high. To you, I would at least like to congratulate you and in support of which much to publish. It was a wonderful acoustic experience! Regards, Mag. Florian H., Rainbach / Innkreis I congratulate you on your clear position! I was very happy to hear from you, nor to carry a certificate of such a mighty power like this composition and its performance. And I look forward to you about the resonance, which takes its music in the "Factum"; it will not have been different at the performance. Meanwhile, I have started in your magnum opus listen inside - the mysteries of faith are so very intertwined that it also regards good to hear a Christmas Oratorio in Lent. And I congratulate you on your clear stance, not only in matters of faith but also to the question of your stylistic credo. I think, in our time must be good music listenable and does not have in the - now fashionable - negation of, similarly to the need for beauty and expressiveness, and according to the conditions of instruments and human voices. Probably it is for a musician who composes nowadays not easy to hold such aesthetics, how to do it. Now I have seen you also conduct; I would be happy if there were an opportunity for a personal goodbye. You might come even once to Salzburg, with or without performance dates - please let me know. All good wishes and cordial greetings, Your O. Prof. Heribert M., Salzburg It need not always be Bach! It was a great idea to combine the Christmas stories from the four Gospels in a total Christmas story, because it turned out that the individual parts wonderfully supplemented, however, were never set to music in this form. Now the Christmas Oratorio is both as a double CD as well as DVD under the title "The Word became flesh" before. The first part of the half hour Christmas Oratorio (Advent) begins with the initiation of the first chapter of John "In the beginning was the Word", imposingly sung by the choir "Cantores Carmeli Linz", accompanied by the "Collegium Carmeli Tubarum", a string ensemble and organ . In the other parts ( "the announcement of the birth of John", "the announcement of the birth of Jesus", "the Visitation" and "the birth of John the Baptist") alternate recitatives and arias from, each accompanied by this matching, well-chosen instruments. Each part is then completed by a well-known, to sing along inviting chant. The second part tells the real Christmas story and is divided into the sections "The Birth of Jesus", "The Presentation in the Temple", "The visit of the Magi" and "The Flight into Egypt". The work is conceived as an ecumenical oratorio. It uses only from the texts of Scripture and is supplemented by several chorales, which are known throughout the Christian world and are often sung. Musically, Michael Stenov oriented to old composers like Bach, Schütz and Handel. Also romantic sounds are incorporated with. So if you like, for example, listen to Bach's Christmas Oratorio, comes here fully at its expense. Soloistic recitatives and arias are repeatedly broken up by melodious choruses. Whereas, with pure listening to the CD seemed to me somewhat contrived many passages of recitative, I stuck watching the DVD especially the evangelist literally on the lips. Here you can hear with the eye in the best sense! The DVD provides an excellent picture and sound quality. Filmed a performance at the Imperial Hall of Kremsmünster in 2012. Since the recordings no audience is visible and no noises are audible, it can be assumed that the performance specially held for receiving the DVD and also available double CD. Pleasant are also the camera operator and the cutting, whereby the view is always drawn to the newly interesting places. Very good is also the enclosed booklet. In addition to the mentioning of all participants, it also contains an introductory in the Christmas story Introduction by Michael Stenov, the complete text of the oratorio for them to read (and sing), the significance of Hebrew names and an epilogue which insight into the history of the oratorio and in the ingenious symbolism there that let Michael Stenov included in the composition. So neither voicing yet instrumentation are chosen arbitrarily, but carefully adapted to the particular people and events. It is hoped that the Christmas Oratorio by Michael Stenov is known soon that it is also listed in our churches. In our area parts were performed by Bach's Christmas Oratorio many times. But: It may not always be Bach! Gerd B., Redwitz-Unterlangenstadt Very nice Though I technically no idea about music, but Stenovs oratory has my girlfriend and I really enjoyed it! Clemens S., Münster Bach-Handel Stenov - successful harmony of music and Bible texts The biblical texts resound in many parts very scripture faithfully in arias and choruses in the style of J.S. Bach or G. F. Handel. You can see the text in spite of polyphony almost always well understood. The musicality and the singers' voices make this recording a really successful and worth listening work. Marie v. M. Genuine Christmas Having bought the CD for my parents, just before Christmas. Has arrived in time, I was very pleased. Super shipping service. Wg. The short time I could only listen parts, these have but I really liked. A big plus is that all are directly texts from the Gospels and is sung in clear German, so you can combine the message perfectly with the music to experience. The beginning of the Gospel of John I liked particularly well, well done, enthralling and clear. I am sure that this music is so very like friends of sophisticated music, church music. My clear recommendation! George A., Altusried The mystery of Christmas events Dear Michael, thank you for the beautiful DVD and excellent reproduction. The mystery of Christmas events is presented in a very interesting, new and convincing way. Even the article in "factum" is to important information. O. Prof. em. Albert A., Lochen Congratulations on your Christmas Oratorio. Uplifting and solemn. I'm thrilled. Dear Stenov, congratulations on your Christmas Oratorio. I ed just 5 CD. Uplifting and solemnly. I'm thrilled. The Christmas I myself have hardly ever heard beautiful. I around here organizing 10 Christmas concerts with various choirs and bands every year with me, I have a direct comparison. Many greetings and blessed Advent! Go on like that! It's just really great! Sincerely, pastor Jürgen K., Bamberg Dedication composed the music of earlier times, loving and resourceful Dear Stenov, now I have found time to listen to your oratory. It is a testimony of dedication to the music of earlier times, lovingly and imaginatively composed, over long distances and very competent realized (yes I know a number of the participants ...). Happy you and best regards to Mrs. F.-A.! R. M., Director, Linz I would like to perform it! Dear Stenov over Mrs F.-A. I got a score and the recording of your Christmas Oratorio "The Word became flesh". Finally I had time "cross-listen" the work. I would like to perform! Text selection, instrumentation, linear guiding voices ... have really appealed to me. Maybe I could take a performance eye already on 1 Advent, 2015. Currently my plans for the coming year begin. I'd like to phone to contact you. Regards, J. W., church musician of the Lutheran. Parish B.F. Christmas Oratorio by Michael Stenov - with outstanding performers - a new and significant production. A large-scale work for soloists, chorus and orchestra, which Christmas can be a new experience through extensive text and rich timbre. At the harmonic sophistication and the many musical details performers as well as listeners will have their joy. This setting of the Christmas story holds lyrically quite to the scriptures and linked the Christmas passages from all four gospels synoptic together. A deeply spiritual and emotional experience of the most important birth of a child in this world. Daniel Kunert - Publisher Book & Sheet (publisher of score, piano score and sheet music) The oratory shows craftsmanship security and great skill. Dear Stenov, Maestro K. has with great joy listened to pieces of your work and congratulates. He can still very well remember the excellent teaching, he also has enjoyed with Professor Doppelbauer at the Mozarteum. The oratory, so in any case the opinion of Gustav K., showing artisanal safety and great skill. Certainly Maestro K. will follow your way forward with interest. With best regards, Franziska H., personal assistance Maestro Gustav K. A great work, you can be proud. Hello Michael, have listened to the Christmas Oratorio and am thrilled. A great work, you can be proud. Bert A., music school director at rest First, we are enjoying the DVD that you sent us in 2011. What a very wonderful talent you have, Michael, and to get it all organized with musicians who are able to perform to your liking, to get schedules set up, the recording and the live performance – what a fete! Great! Is there more in the future? Judy R., Wisconsin, USA ... Because I want to congratulate you on your great Christmas Oratorio Dear Stenov, the real reason why I am writing you is because I want to congratulate you on your great Christmas Oratorio. Even the idea of ​​1.5 to 80 to take the history of Luke in the oratory should be unique. In particular, I congratulate you that you have also set to music the John's prologue and the matching verses have inserted at the appropriate places in the oratory. The nature of your setting like very much. She reminds me of J. S. Bach and Georg F. Handel's oratorios. Although I am not a musician, but was influenced musically since my youth in Mainz Cathedral as an altar boy and later as a seminarian and priest at the collegiate and Pontifikalgottesdiensten by the Regensburger school at Mainz cathedral choir until the liturgical reform was prevalent at that time. Take kindly to my unprofessional praise and above all my thanks for your great work. Usually you rarely get so (so my experience as a minister and author) of the Listener and readership a spontaneous response. For your Christmas Oratorio I have of course made propaganda already with my friends and acquaintances. I wish God's blessings to you for your future works, even for the new year all the best! Sincerely, Spiritual Guido B., Blindenmarkt A rich blend of ancient traditional expressions and a new interpretation of the Christmas theme; also good that the lyrics are taken directly from the Bible. Mag. Herbert D., Ried I can only wish that they may serve the building of the Kingdom in the souls of the listeners. Dear Stenov, a few weeks ago I found time, your oratorio "The Word became flesh" to listen, which CDs you passed me kindly when we last September at the Theological Summer Academy in Aigen mediation of Prof. K. are short encounters. Your Opus I have followed with keen interest. It makes me a very soulful impression. You manage this musical a huge quantity of text. By insert your Opus todays familiar biblical phraseology basis, get a sense the Today's home in the world of musical sacred language, the advance is essential art revolutionary upheavals. You connect it, it seems to me, old (that is, early modern) sacredness with the romantic concretion of textually. This leaves the latter as it were tamed sacred. Former but experiences a new placement. The music reference your composing is, I think, not directly in the notes themselves, but in the historic style guides, within the framework of moving around freely. The question of a tonal Gesamtklammerung arises you directly, so your oratory certain extent then proceeds from detail to detail. The consistent commitment to style guides guarantees that even numbers, if you will, "romantic" are designed, but remain harmoniously integrated into the whole. Your Opus shines, I think, rest, because you consistently maintained within each number once selected instrumentation and invoice - except the final choruses that these highly characterized. Never the handset is placed in curiosity, as for this or that will be implemented compositionally, as this is to a certain extent determined. Never the music is boring, yet never entertaining; never it is upsetting. The style is a stranger: to be complicated. What - with all due respect - indeed strikes, is your tendency to tilt in the melodic lead, especially in the recitatives, the exclamatory emphasis. This is not always comprehensible for me (as for example the expressive setting of the words "they returned home" in no. 29, or the beginning of n. 50). deep emotion but me it # 66. The sadness of infanticide in Bethlehem is harmoniously so impressively captured that the current reference inevitably opens up to today's life protection issues. The treatment of chorales goes regularly so that in the first stanza the melody is on top and is draped in the following verse: This regularity of the procedure seems somewhat schematically at me. For this, however, the structure of the biblical text is a living wholeness in your business succeeds brilliantly. Overall, I want to congratulate you on your oratory; I can only hope that it serves the building of the Kingdom in the souls of the listeners. P. John N. FSO, Bregenz, Advent 2012 A good contrast to the other Christmas Oratorio! By shopping I am very satisfied. It is a very nice shot and is a good contrast to the other Christmas oratorio. Columban M., Maria Roggendorf Everything is fine! Theresia R. Berg (Bayern) Dear Stenov your Christmas Oratorio we really like. We would also like other people so that joy and give it to Christmas. Please send us another 10 double CDs. Sr. Theresa L., Rankweil Thank you and a great compliment - a great work !!! Andreas B., Lennestadt Thanks for the speedy delivery of the Christmas CD. This CD is to get my son in Canada and I hope it leads to a peaceful Christmas. But because I wanted to know what I give, I have the CD 1 bugged and now I would like to have a double CD for myself. I wish you good sales success of these sensitive music and still joyful creativity. Irma E., Trofaiach Greet God, Mr. Stenov, your DVD has been well received and I have been "in part". They pleased me twice since I am an Oblate of Kremsmünster. THANK GOD and richest blessings for your work. Elke K., Wels "The whole Christmas story in wonderful music wrapped" "The whole Christmas story wrapped in wonderful music", these were my first thoughts after listening to the CD. Again a warm and sincere God bless. Herbert R., Vienna You had the kindness, the private secretary of His Holiness prelate to let Dr. Georg Gänswein a DVD recording of you composed the Christmas Oratorio "The Word became flesh" come. As I thank you on behalf of Prelate Gänswein for this thoughtful gesture, I offer you for your further musical work best blessings and best regards. Msgr. Peter B. W., Assessor All in all, the oratory is terrific. Thank you for your invitation to the oratory after Niederkappel. It's a pity that I could not be there. Now I was quite unexpectedly of this great work a DVD. For me a nice Christmas. Thank you so much for that. I am glad very. On the same day I heard and looked at the first part and now the 2nd part. I am completely overwhelmed. It is here you a great work succeeded. You are a great artist. I congratulate wholeheartedly and wish you that it is still performed fairly often. The great choral compositions. These joints. First-class soloists, super orchestra. Mach so please continue. All in all, the oratory is terrific. I am very fond of this plant. Your composition is very similar in style and in the plant the Christmas Oratorio by Bach. You can be very happy you beyond your composition, it is back in any way. Fritz K., Atzbach We are deeply impressed by your musical commitment in Advent. Warmest congratulations! Maybe you lead it elsewhere on again. We are very proud of you! Prof. Emmi and Prof. Hans M., M.S. Thanks, I've listened to it, very impressive! Especially the beautiful venue Kremsmünster is fit for work. P. Mag. Sebastian H., Vienna Truly inspired by God's Spirit Yesterday, Sr. M. Johanna and I angehoert Your truly inspired by God's Spirit Synoptic oratorio "The Nativity". It was just wonderful .. in 90 minutes, we saw the great mystery of the Incarnation .. and the Word became flesh. Sr. M. Johanna face was transfigured and touched deeply. And I felt the same. The synopsis of the four Gospels is so well done in 1997 and now the soundtrack. You did it with about 75 singers and musicians up leads, what a great work of love. And you are you fully aware that this extraordinary musical talent is a gift from above. Sr. Ignatia has the CD Sr. M. Johanna for 9o. Birthday present. Sr. M. Johanna B. and Sister M. Elisabeth B., India Congratulations to the beautiful premiere your Christmas music; hopefully there are more performances! Alfred N., Linz Again many thanks for the great gift of the first performance of the Christmas Oratorio! I have heard many enthusiastic feedback! Prelate Dr. Franz B., Niederkappel Preliminary congratulations to your great oratory! Mag. Martin W., Bärnbach I congratulate you sincerely for your work. You've made it very appealing symbolic u. musical thoughts and developped them really masterfully. I was really happy about it. Mag. Martina L., Linz Thank you, it gave me great pleasure! Can you tell me when this is broadcast on television? Anna-Maria S., Schlierbach It's been running fine. It was great for me, even really hear the work. I like it very much! Mag. Peter W. Freistadt / Linz Congratulate you on the technical processing and execution! You're just an all-round genius !! Looking forward to the DVDs! Mag. Andreas S. (musicus vagabundus), Eferding Strives to bring people "humiliating" the mystery of Christmas I wanted to explicitly express my joy over your work. I really enjoyed it, so I prepare for the liturgy! On the one hand I find the instrumental characterization of the individual figures very successful and "dramatic" voices. Secondly, I found very appealing about your obvious decision to take the NASB as a basis and largely without textual repetitions. That you, as far as I can tell at first glance, all Christmas texts from the 4 Gospels - and even from the Paul tradition - have joined together, the whole thing is really a "round" works. This makes the heart beat of the liturgical reasonably educated immediately higher and witnessing the music, the story and the content is thus immediate. Then there are the well-known part (and very beautiful) Advent and Christmas. All this made me very happy, because in all musical sophistication you obviously is a concern that people "humiliating" to lead to the mystery of Christmas - so that each also "resonate" can. Maybe I can buy for next Christmas multiple copies in  to resell them at us. P. Roberto P., Vienna Thank you so very much for the DVD that you sent to us. It arrived safely and in perfect condition. We look forward to enjoying watching it. We are sure that it will be wonderful. Laureen R. L. for Earl & Judy R., Wisconsin, USA I could now enjoy your oratory in full and wish to congratulate you on this exceptional achievement! The Blu-Ray on my Sony player, incidentally, works perfectly! Mag. Andreas S., Bad Schallerbach Congratulations on your great work Before the year 2011 passes, I would like to convey my congratulations on your great work. I recently looked at alone the DVD and could see that the quality is much better than on TV. The year 2011 will remain unforgettable for you. Even for us it was a special experience to have participated in the recording of your great work. For 2012, I wish you and your wife God's blessing, health and much success - perhaps another work. Franz G., Hellmonsödt Once again, congratulations to the oratory and well successful premiere! Gabi and Rudi N., Linz Extremely touching composition of the Christmas Oratorio I congratulate you warmly on your successful premiere. I have no second doubt that this will be a great success. My niece has now been brought to the CD. I look forward to a quiet hour and would give myself pleasure with your composition. This is Christmas for me! ... For a long time I want to congratulate you on your very touching composition of the Christmas Oratorio. Listening - even if it is outside the Christmas period - means a great pleasure again. My compliments also applies of course to the performers. The brochure to read with great interest. I am glad that I got to know you and wish you much inspiration for other compositions. You will with your music sure many people delight! Karoline V., Grieskirchen For the honor of the "divine child birthday" Be confident: the Christmas Oratorio is certainly not for the drawer. I know that many have enjoyed it. How much work hangs on it, can probably only one really imagine who made this. But a Performance, for me as an enormous effort is when I think of the many voices and instruments and the related occupation. They had great people, yet the threads come together at one and it is only when that is wholeheartedly here. This one has also felt. Do you get back all that you contribute to the honor of the "divine birthday child" by your commitment. Your music has arrived as a Christmas obviously good. Thanks again very much for that. In this "work of art with depth" you will be very small and modest. Please would again send me 5 CDs, now I have indeed my own away. This time it's all without any time pressure. As for me except the musical tour de force - insofar as this may notice a non-specialists at all - very pleased at your oratory, the "basic" are texts. Of course, I now read that you have kept all of the Holy. Scripture and you this was obviously a concern. Perhaps it is precisely what makes the effect that especially the composer, but also the participants knew what it is, as far as we can this man ever take. The use of the various instruments and choirs on the individual events underscores yet. Also, I wish you the Lord's blessing, continued good creativeness and say a heartfelt "God bless you"! Mag. Maria S., Pötting The appearance of the angel music is really gorgeous. Dear Michael Stenov, thank you again very much for the beautiful CONCERT and am very impressed with your composition. I also like very these objections with folk singing. The appearance of the angel music is really gorgeous. And I've always imagined that it would be very nice to let the angels really occur with this music, I think that would have a great effect. One could costuming him well. The 3 kings it would also be good if you it occupied separately, and even costumes. The same is also with Herod. At a performance one could easily imply the scene also quite simple. I mean, angels and kings who pulpit involve. Lighting, u.s.w. Would everything be very suitable. But was just a concert for me a great experience. Hopefully you expand it every year somewhere, I wish you the whole heart. Ingeborg F., Leonding Congratulations on a meditative access to the Christmas theme. I wish you a Merry Christmas and you well for your music. Pepi E., Niederkappel Your oratory was terrific and I would be happy, if you ever compose something nice again! In this sense, all the best and happy work! Mario H. Rohrbach You've got really done a fine job. On the way home driving I listened to the CD alone and was completely overwhelmed. That was really a steep experience when I arrived about midnight at home and the final chorus began. I really had to cry because me the work very touched. Thank you so because knuckled up. As already hangs behind an insane energy. You've got really done a fine job. Andrea G., Biberbach I just heard the first chorus and quite annoyed that I can not come on the 11th. Very beautiful! Good luck with the show and all the best! Almuth W., Grieskirchen We were both completely thrilled. Great. Thank you for your beautiful music. Thanks for the DVD. Just yesterday I looked at her with a friend. We were both completely thrilled. Great. Mag. Eva D., Vienna Congratulations to your compositon! Since I theologically just dealing with a dissertation about hearing and Incarnation and some works analyzed me, especially et incarnatus est musical settings, I am particularly interested in your work. Thank you for the wonderful DVD! Congratulations to compose! Mag. Johannes S., Linz We are confident that the choir of heavenly angels singing along with yours. Thanks for the first public performance of the Christmas Oratorio. We look forward to you about the success - the most in the heavenly population because we are sure that the choir of heavenly angels singing along with your. I could listen to it before Christmas and repeatedly to Christmas and could afterwards even hum the prologue already. Toll I found the integrated carols. That you have something composed in such a short time, remains a mystery to me. Even with the inclusion of his work everything went very extraordinary! Your Guardian Angel is certainly a good helper. Maria and Eugene M., Germany Congratulations on this great achievement! Is there the Christmas Oratorio otherwise also where to hear? Dr. Werner A., Vienna Congratulations on your oratory. It is sensational. Surely you will not be angry with me if I quote my wife, who was listening at random: "Handel" Mag. Gottfried P., Brunnenthal Congratulations on the finished work !!! Toll also that the film is the same as often aired. Marie C., Vienna It is the biggest Christmas present I could wish for. Thank you very much for the DVD. It is the biggest Christmas present I could wish for. I'm thrilled and delighted that you have so created something beautiful. I ask that you continue to accompany thousand angels. The good God may lead you and protect you! Dr. Hans and Erna H., St. Michael The opening chorus is great !!! Of course, my prayer with you. Best wishes and God Bless! Yvonne T., Germany Thanks for the sound sample. God's blessing! P. Robert J., Franciscans in Germany "The light shines in the darkness" Thank you for your oratory! "The light shines in the darkness" We were totally touched and we are delighted. Elisabeth and Josef L., Germany All sounds like a heavenly kaleidoscope! GREAT, many, many THANKS !! ALL, ALL CONGRATULATIONS! It is up to us, you again very, very much to THANK for this uniquely beautiful premiere. It was just great and we were very happy that we have taken this 1400 km trip under the wheels! We have last night everything repeatedly listened with great astonishment, and your explanations to fill and we were just huge enthusiastic: A great work that you have created there. It was quite amazing, with wonderful colors to all sounds like a heavenly kaleidoscope! The soul came again their money! Sounding gospel that is the right word for your wonderful work !!! Hopefully it sounds far out into the world, because this is determined. Christa and Ueli S., Egg near Zurich Sorry, forgot that music is WONDERFUL .... have already heard. Thanks and MUCH blessing! Stephanie de B., Germany